Table Rush Talk Show!

Ep 608 Unlocking the Power of the APPLE Framework: A Father-Son Journey in Execution

Episode Summary

In this heartwarming episode, I explore the life-altering effect of the APPLE framework on both my business and personal life, focusing on the 'Execute' component. Discover how the framework's principles have revolutionized my working relationship with my son, enhancing our joint venture in building the 'Influence Army' movement. Learn from my journey, filled with inspirational insights and real-world application of effective delegation, conflict resolution, and nurturing a supportive creative process.

Episode Notes

In this heartwarming episode, I explore the life-altering effect of the APPLE framework on both my business and personal life, focusing on the 'Execute' component. Discover how the framework's principles have revolutionized my working relationship with my son, enhancing our joint venture in building the 'Influence Army' movement. Learn from my journey, filled with inspirational insights and real-world application of effective delegation, conflict resolution, and nurturing a supportive creative process.

Encapsulated Show Notes: